Sustainability Approach
We are focused on the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors that matter most to our stakeholders—ensuring we have the right approach on materiality, strategy and governance to keep making strides in our sustainability journey. Along the way, we’re committed to being upfront about our goals, progress, success stories and areas where we have more work to do.
We listen to our stakeholders and scan for ESG risks and opportunities
We determine material ESG factors including areas in which we can make a big impact
We shape and implement our sustainability strategy and governance to manage ESG factors and advance business strategy
We share our progress through our Sustainable Business Report and other ESG disclosures
Engaging Our Stakeholders
Effective and meaningful engagement with our diverse stakeholder community is a vital part of how we do business and identify ESG-related risks and opportunities. We define stakeholders as groups and individuals who are impacted by our operations and corporate strategy and who, in turn, impact our business success. Listening to, sharing with and learning from them is essential to our progress.
Key Stakeholder |
How We Engage |
Key StakeholderTeammates (across corporate and franchise sites, in operations and office-based) |
How We Engage
Key StakeholderInvestor Community |
How We Engage
Key StakeholderCustomers |
How We Engage
Key StakeholderSupplier Partners |
How We Engage
Key StakeholderCommunities |
How We Engage
Key StakeholderNGOs |
How We Engage
Key StakeholderGovernment |
How We Engage

Materiality Assessment
In fiscal 2023 we conducted a refreshed materiality assessment to update our understanding of the ESG issues that are most important to our stakeholders and influence our business success. To inform our refreshed assessment we drew on: peer benchmarking; matrix mapping of peers, suppliers and relevant organizations; business leader and consumer insights; and reviews of relevant legislation and internal documentation.
Based on this work we found that several existing factors have become increasingly important to our stakeholders, including: climate change, customer experience and engagement, and cybersecurity and data privacy. While plastics and packaging decreased slightly in importance, it nonetheless remains a priority for stakeholders and for us. We also found several new topics are of growing importance to our stakeholders, including: human rights; animal welfare; employee pay; nature, biodiversity and water; and local sourcing.
This evolving matrix will inform our forward-looking work and reporting over the next three years, including an updated sustainability strategy to be launched in fiscal 2024. For this year’s Sustainable Business Report, we continue to share our progress against these evolving ESG issues under our current sustainability strategy pillars of People, Planet and Products.

Evolving Progress on Climate Action, Our Sustainability Strategy and Disclosures
In fiscal 2023 we continued to make progress on our sustainability journey:
Climate Action Plan
We are taking bold action to tackle climate change, committing to science-based targets (SBTs) to achieve net-zero by 2040 for our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, and net-zero by 2050 for our Scope 3 emissions.
To achieve our long-term targets, we have set near-term targets to drive our progress (compared to a 2019 base year):
- We will reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by a minimum of 55% by 2030
- To reduce Scope 3 emissions, we are targeting:
- 64% of our suppliers by spend setting a science-based target for their Scope 1 and 2 emissions within five years (by 2027)
- Reducing emissions from fuel sold by 28% by 2030
SBTs are internationally recognized and validated greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets that align with the Paris Agreement. We have received validation for our near-term Scope 1 and 2 targets through the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). In alignment with SBTi requirements, our targets address emissions from our operations, fleet and distribution (Scope 1 & 2), as well our extended value chain (Scope 3). Learn more about our Climate Action Plan.
Building Our Next Sustainable Business Strategy
We are finalizing strategies under key areas of our Sustainable Business Strategy to begin implementation in fiscal 2024. Our new strategies build on the strong foundation we have established over recent years, with an increased focus on integration with business purpose and strategy, and a growing number of measurable targets and action plans in key impact areas.
Enhanced Disclosures
In recent years we have continued to enhance disclosures in alignment with standards such as the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Food Retailers & Distributors Standard and Drug Retailers Standard. This year, we are sharing our first report aligned with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and continue to look ahead to anticipated mandatory ESG disclosures in Canada. Read our new TCFD Report.